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As of June 27, 2021 - Based on current health guidelines, masks are optional and are not required when singing. If you are not vaccinated, it is recommended that you wear a mask when attending services.


These are the guidelines that Emanuel will be implementing when we begin having indoor worship on September 6th.

1.Signs are posted at the entrance asking that anyone who is sick or showing symptoms of illness or have traveled in past 14 days please refrain from attendance and use the church services we post online.

2.Physical distancing is respected (six feet apart), and traffic flow inside the building is structured to facilitate this. Look for tape on the floor. We will also have ushers to assist you.

3.All doors inside the building are kept propped open, to minimize touching doors and handles.

4.We won’t be using bulletins except for a few large print bulletins for those with low vision. Our services will be projected for us to follow along.

5.Anyone uncomfortable returning to church should feel free to stay home, assured that we understand. This is an individual choice, and we will respect it.

6.Communion: We will continue distributing communion using individually sealed wafer/wine combo servings.

7.We have suspended the meet-n-greet as well as the line after church. Ushers have returned to the tradition of dismissing pews in an orderly fashion. Pastor Cara and Cindy will stay near their areas and return to them after worship. Feel free to make an appointment to visit with Pastor Cara by phone, email, text, or Messenger.

8.Offering plates are no longer passed around. Members put their offerings in designated plates located by the two front exit doors as they leave the service. You may also make donations online through our website at or through the GivePlus app.

9.Everyone should enter through the main doors of the church and will be escorted to a seat by an usher.

10. To facilitate proper distancing and for ease of cleaning and disinfecting we will be meeting in the fellowship hall. For the time being, we won’t be singing or praying/speaking in unison, such as the Lord’s Prayer, Creeds, Prayers of the People and etc.

11.Chairs are disinfected after each use.

12.Other activities are suspended for now. We will revisit this as the pandemic subsides.

13.Coffee and donuts are paused for now.

14.Bathrooms are available, but cannot be disinfected after every personal use. While they are regularly cleaned and sanitized, it is best to “save it until you get home.”

15.We encourage everyone to take advantage of our online devotions and worship. We offer several online forums in which to build up our community throughout the week: Facebook, YouTube devotions and updates. This allows our public forums to serve as places of encouragement and positive outreach.

16. Masks will be required when inside the building. You are welcome to use your own and if not we will have them available.

17. Gathering in groups, whether in the building, right outside the doors or in the parking lot before or after service will also not be allowed.

* This list is subject to change as we will continue to learn, review and adjust accordingly.

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