Our Sunday school class has mixed ages is led my Mr. Steve and Ms. Lori Lynn, with assistance by some of our middle and high school youth. Students start in the worship center during Sunday worship (9:30 a.m.) and are dismissed to Sunday school after the gospel reading.

Mike Winter, Kevin Epperson, Mike Hipnar and Peggy Jarrell at Emanuel's annual garage sale. Anytime you see the yellow shirts, you know there is a project Emanuel is working on!

Garrett Ashcraft, Grant Ashcraft, Tayah Nixt, with leaders Stephen Lewis & Pastor Cara Knutson ran into Santa in the Old Market on a confirmation outing. Our current confirmation class meets once a month and will be confirmed in 2025.

Our Sunday school class has mixed ages is led my Mr. Steve and Ms. Lori Lynn, with assistance by some of our middle and high school youth. Students start in the worship center during Sunday worship (9:30 a.m.) and are dismissed to Sunday school after the gospel reading.
Come as you are! Be who you are! Make us a better community, congregation and people!